+254 758 59 29 49 hello@bunifu.co.ke




Sounding board & oversight

Bunifu board brings together a pool of professionals with expertise and years of experience in top management. The primary job of the board is to offer guidance on company strategy and set standards for operational excellence. The board, therefore, acts as a soundboard for ideas and provision of oversight.

John Sergon, EBS

John Sergon, EBS



  • Immediate former CEO ICT Authority – Kenya
  • Over 25 years in the ICT and Security sector
  • 10 years parastatal director position
Alfred Odhiambo

Alfred Odhiambo



  • Corporate Finance Manager, Centum PLC
  • Experience in capital raising, equity and restructuring
Steve Karecho

Steve Karecho



  • Managing director Tier Data Limited
  • Immediate former ICT manager Centum PLC
  • Experience IT governance and ICT management
Felix Kiprono

Felix Kiprono



  • Co-Founder & MD Pesadroid
  • Previously Project Coordinator, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Wilberforce Seguton

Wilberforce Seguton

Member & Secretary


  • 5 years of C-Level management experience
  • 3 years of product management experience
  • 3 years UX/UI lead role
  • Inbound sales certified


Ngong Town, Forest Line Road, Hiwi Court, 3rd Floor, HC305, Kajiado County, Kenya.

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